TEL Learning Resources

Resources for online learning success and updates on our courses.

5 Time Management Tips for Students Earning Dual Credit

5 Time Management Tips for Students Earning Dual Credit

​Time management is crucial to the success of both high school and college students. This can look like time blocking, having an effective study schedule, and a good system for keeping track of assignments And all are important in order to pass your classes. The...

Four Note-taking Styles To Make Online Studying Easier

Four Note-taking Styles To Make Online Studying Easier

For 99.9% of people, memory is unreliable. Otherwise, a phenomenon such as the Mandela Effect wouldn’t exist. That’s why taking notes is crucial for academic success. All students know the struggle to find the balance between recording the main ideas of a reading or...

New Courses: Research & Composition and Old Testament

New Courses: Research & Composition and Old Testament

You have more options for earning college credit. TEL is launching two new courses this month as we work to build out our associate degree catalog. Research & Composition TEL is expanding our English catalog with a more traditional Composition II course. A great...

Finding Motivation In Online Learning

Finding Motivation In Online Learning

There was a time when distance learning meant books were mailed to students, students mailed their papers and exams back, and the whole process took months longer than usual. This was long before The Easy Button. Online learning has come a long way. From video...

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