About McMurry University
Discover yourself at McMurry University. With individualized liberal arts and professional degrees, students chart their own paths to accomplishment, service, and success. At McMurry, we provide opportunities for every student to realize possibilities and experience new ways of thinking.
The University’s core values are Christian faith, personal relationships, learning, excellence, and service. The rich diversity of students and faculty creates a culture of openness and genuineness. The relatively small student body forges a real sense of community. Students receive individualized caring and support, beginning the first day of classes and continuing long after graduation. At McMurry, students of all backgrounds discover their potential and realize their dreams.
McMurry University is located in Abilene, Texas.
It is a member of NC-Sara (https://nc-sara.org/) where we may provide distance education opportunities to 49 states

McMurry University Course Equivalencies
Each credit-granting university has their own grading scale. Some consider everything above a 90% to be an A, while some universities consider 90-92% to be an A-, for example. Please reach out to your credit-granting university to find out what grading scale they use.
TEL Course | McMurry University Equivalency | Credit Hours |
BIO 1303 Principles of Biology I and Lab | BIOL 1401 Principles of Biology | 4 |
BUS 1203 Introduction to Business, Ethics, and Entrepreneurship | BUSI 2320 Ethics and Entrepreneurship in the Modern World | 3 |
CHEM 2104 General Chemistry I and Lab | CHEM 1400 General Chemistry | 4 |
COM 1103 Principles of Speech and Communication | COMM 1310 Principles of Communication | 3 |
ECON 2103 Principles of Microeconomics | ECON 2320 Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
ENG 1303 English Composition I | ENGL 1310 Composition and Rhetoric | 3 |
HIST 2103 United States History I: US History to 1877 | HIST 2310 United States to 1877 | 3 |
HIST 2203 United States History II: US History since 1877 | HIST 2320 United States Since 1865 | 3 |
HUM 1103 Introduction to Christianity | RELI 1330 Introduction to Christianity | 3 |
HUM 1303 Introduction to Philosophy | PHIL 2350 Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
HUM 1203 World Civilizations I: World Civ. to 1500 | HIST 1310 World Civilization to 1500 | 3 |
HUM 1403 Introduction to Literature | ENGL 1320 Composition & Literature | 3 |
HUM 2103 Introduction to the Old Testament | RELI 2330 Introduction to the Old Testament | 3 |
ICT 1303 Introduction to Information Technology | COSC 1322 Intro to Computer Science & Info Technology | 3 |
MATH 1103 Contemporary Math and Quantitative Reasoning | MATH 1315 Contemporary Math | 3 |
MATH 1203 College Algebra | MATH 1311 College Algebra | 3 |
MUS 1103 Music Appreciation | MUSI 2310 Music Appreciation | 3 |
PHY 1104 General Physical Science and Lab | PHYS 1400 General Physics and Lab | 4 |
PSC 1103 American National Government | POSC 2310 American National Government | 3 |
PSY 1203 Introduction to General Psychology | PSYC 1340 General Psychology | 3 |
SPAN 2103: Introductory Spanish I | SPAN 1410 Elementary Spanish 1 | 4 |